Projet actuel
FamilEA: The remaking of the Family in East Africa
Sujet de thèse
“Gender, Morality and Self- Accomplishment : A Study of Middle- Class Divorced Women in Nairobi”
sous la direction de Valerie Golaz (INED, LPED) et de Yvan Droz (IHEID, Geneva)
Description du projet This research will look at how divorced women navigate the conflict that divorce brings to the relationships within their social networks : the church, family, friends, among others, in terms of moralities and their social status as well as investigate how their choices put their personal wealth (financial autonomy) at risk. I will use a blend of two qualitative methodologies, namely, the phenomenological and ethnographic approach where I will conduct in-depth interviews with the women as well as observe the participants in their churches, families, and social circles.
Financement Projet SALMEA, Self Accomplishment and Local Moralities in East Africa
En Afrique de l’Est, la famille ou la parenté sont au cœur de la construction des identités personnelles ou collectives et des positionnements politiques ; elles donnent un sens à la place de chacun dans le monde et constituent un ...
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